Thursday, August 29, 2013

Journal, 8/29

Happy Thursday!

Today's journal is:

Describe a dream that you had recently. Provide as many details as possible.  

This should be at least 3 paragraphs.

Happy Writing!
Mrs. Murphy

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Journal, 8/27

Happy Wednesday!

Below is your journal prompt for the day!

In an essay, explain how disappointments can have a good side.

Happy Writing!
Mrs. Murphy

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Journal - August 27

Happy Tuesday!

Below is your journal prompt.  You may use your tablet or tablet paper to complete your journal.  If using your tablet, save your journal as August 27.

You have been hired by Catholic Youth Ministries to design a summer camp for young children.  Design a brochure advertising your camp.  Be sure to include specific information regarding your camp activities, age group, cost, and where this camp will take place.

God bless,
Mrs. Murphy