Monday, August 19, 2013

Journal - 8/20/13

In most parts of the world, kids attend school all year round, and only have the month of August off. My friend from Japan talked about when he moved to the U.S., he was thrilled to have June, July, and August off. He said he didn’t know what to do with himself! (His mom promptly enrolled him in “summer classes” – poor guy). Another friend who recently went to London mentioned how the whole country practically shuts down for “holiday” in August. So I guess we should be grateful for small blessings like 2 ½ months of summer vacation!
But, now back-to-school time is here. The memories of summer will be tucked away, to make room for new memories in the coming school year (sniff sniff).
So, for today’s journal I want to hear from you about Back-to-School:
What are you most looking forward to? What are you most dreading? What are your goals for the coming school year? What do you hope to accomplish?
Your journal will serve as a representative of you.  So, you should pay attention to detail, write quality sentences, with appropriately leveled vocabulary, and be mindful of the length (not too long, not too short) of your paragraph(s).

Happy Writing!
Mrs. Murphy