Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Journal Prompts - 5/30, 31, 6/1

Good morning!

Happy Wednesday!

Below are your journal prompts for the remainder of the week!  They should all be complete by the end of journal time on Friday!!

Mrs. Murphy

  • Would you rather always take a cold shower or sleep an hour less than you need to be fully rested?

  • Would you rather always get first dibs or the last laugh?

  • Would you rather always have to say everything on your mind or never speak again?

  • Would you rather always wear earmuffs or a nose plug?

  • Would you rather always win pie-eating contests or always win wheelbarrow races?

  • Would you rather be a giant hamster or a tiny rhino?

  • Would you rather be able to read everyone’s mind all the time or always know their future?

  • Would you rather be able to stop time or fly?

  • Would you rather be an unknown minor league basketball player or a famous professional badminton star?